Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Bowl Determination

Today is SUPER BOWL Sunday. For two teams today is the culmination of a road filled with hopes, dreams and gritty determination. And at the end of the day there will be one team who will stand up and will hold that coveted Super Bowl trophy and will be forever called Super Bowl Champions.

Beginning each September, every team in the NFL begin their competitive campaign with the exact same record. The New York Giants and the New England Patriots both started at square one with no wins and no losses. Somewhere along the way both teams found something that the other thirty teams in the league simply didn't. They found their stride, their will and ultimately the drive to succeed and best every one of their challenges and of course, opponents along the way.

Their teams started out not really any different than you or myself. Though we don't necessarily start with a football record of 0-0, we do all start with the same exact amount of time in our days, the same amount of days in our months, the same amount of months in a get the picture. Though our lives can't be compared to that of a football season, we are in fact in a much more exciting position. We have the opportunity to demonstrate the same kind of commitment, the same kind of passion and the same kind of drive and best those challenges and competitors we face along the way.

I have said it before and I will say it again. You can sit the bench in the game of life and just let things happen to you....or you can decide to take your shot and be an active player and ultimate drive of it.

Which game would game would you rather be playing in?

Enjoy today's game (even though The Dallas Cowboys aren't playing in it) and tomorrow...get off the bench and go find your stride, your will and your drive to succeed. And maybe, just maybe, we will one day soon be saluting you, a coveted champion in your own right. Forget that, I am already saluting you....because I already believe in you!

Ripple On!!!

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