How To Make and Keep Your New Year's Resolution
You know the kind.
I am going to run every single day. soon as that alarm clock goes off at five a.m. I am hoping out of the bed and running my way into a new body.
I am going to start going into the office early and really putting out the kind of effort that will get me noticed by my boss and that promotion I have been wanting for so long.
You get the idea right?
Why is it so hard to keep resolutions? Well in my opinion it's because they aren't realistic. We make resolutions at this time of year because that's what we think you are supposed to do. We focus on things we would like to have or things we would like to accomplish but the thought is more romantic than the work that will be necessary to make it a reality. Maybe we really do want to drop that fifteen or twenty pounds and might even show our commitment by joining the local gym (gym owners love this time of year by the way!). But as the weeks go by, it just becomes easier to go home at the end of the day rather than hitting the aerobics class and before you know it the resolution to lose those pounds isn't nearly as important as catching Grey's Anatomy on the tube.
So how we do make resolutions that we will keep?
- Start by being clear. What is it that you really want to accomplish by making the resolution? What will sticking to this resolution bring to your life? What will it really mean to you?
- Don't make a lot of them. Focus is key here. If you are really committed to making some resolutions and sticking to them then make one or two and focus all of your energy on sticking to them. People get overwhelmed when they decide they are going to try and stick to a long laundry list of resolutions and before long it just becomes easier to ignore them all.
- Feel it. You have to feel the obligation in the pit of your stomach to make the change. This feeling will keep you on track if you know you are about to stray. It's really important to feel it because that is what will make the difference and help you to focus and stay on task to sticking with your resolution rather than taking the easier road.
- Position...Position...Position. Put yourself in the right position/environment(s) that will encourage and support you, not work against you. If you decide you want to give up alcohol let's say, agreeing to go to happy hour with the crew from work isn't going to help you.
- Accountability is key. Working hard at something can be a struggle especially if your battle is being fought alone. Engage your family, friends, co-workers and let them know what you resolutions are (remember only do a few) and ask them to help you stay on track. You will be amazed at how many people will rise to the occasion to help you but you have to include them. Don't be shy about the resolutions you are making.
Resolut(e) -
When you are resolute to make a change, obtain a goal or whatever it is you want to accomplish the solution lies in your ability to believe in yourself and take action to make it so. And let's face it, when you do that...when you truly believe in yourself, anything is possible.
Good luck and if you need a little extra push, drop me an email and let's chat.
Ripple On and make 2008 Your Best Year Ever!!!
Labels: 2008, Goals, New Year's Resolutions