Friday, February 29, 2008

You Can Have An Effect - Sometimes You Just Need A Reminder

So yesterday I had to take my Ford Explorer back into the dealership for service. I have had a leak that despite multiple attempts to fix it hasn't been fixed. Yesterday I had had enough after seeing the rather large pool of fluid sitting on my garage floor yesterday morning. I had a very full morning and a lunch meeting but decided that I was going to go out to the dealership and raise some hell.

I was mad driving out there. It's bad enough that the dealership is somewhat of a drive for me but I have been out there so much over the past year that the service advisers no longer need to ask me for my name so they can fill out their service ticket. They are a very nice group but the simple fact was I was angry at having to see them again and it was putting me "in a mood."

My regular service adviser was not in when I arrived but the gentleman that helped me was very nice. He immediately sensed my frustration and offered to delay my day no further and offered me a rental car. My blood pressure calmed a bit and I appreciated his proactive approach to at least helping make my bad situation better in some small way. He pointed me to the waiting area and asked me to "make myself comfortable" until the rental car agent could come by and bring me my car. I remember thinking 'great, waiting around with nothing to do.'

I arrived in the waiting room to find a older man sitting in the chairs watching Dr. Phil. He wore a black baseball cap that indicated he had fought in both World War Two and Korea. He had brought old "Bessie," his Ford 250 horse hauling truck in to have the mirror replaced. Apparently his son and law couldn't handle such a powerful beast as Bessie and he sideswiped a mailbox with the mirror, breaking it.

He and I exchanged a few pleasantries and some ongoing commentary about the crazy beauty pageant ladies who were being counseled by Dr. Phil. He was a delightful man full of spark and personality and seemed to enjoy the company. He moved a few chairs closer to "visit" and I suspect to hear a little bit better.

He told me about living on a small little spec of land out yonder and how his truck had seen many a mile of this great state. Not a lick of problems with that "old Ford"; I wish I could be so lucky. We could have made polite chit chat for the rest of the time but I decided to ask about his hat.

His eyes lit up when I asked about his hat and his apparent service in our military. He sat up straighter, spoke stronger and almost seemed to take on a completely different personality altogether. He told me he had joined the Navy in 1944 because it was his only option out of the cotton fields. He spun stories of all his adventures both state side and beyond and spoke of some of the action his crew had seen but oddly didn't seem to want to talk about much of that.

He left the service in 1948 in hopes of making a better life for himself. He went to refrigeration school in Dallas and did well but soon found his job prospects somewhat limited. He rejoined the military but this time in the Army. He met his wife and was shipped off overseas to "fight the fight."

He simply transformed as he talked to me. Apparently he said he suffered from post traumatic syndrome and the "boys in his unit" thought him crazy. He claimed he wasn't crazy but just scared. The night terrors as he described them were almost unbearable and he was eventually given his walking papers and sent on back home to Texas. The sparkle seemed to trickle out of his eyes at that point; replaced by some barely noticeable tears.

"Here I've been ever since," he said almost apologetically.

I could have stayed and talked with him for hours. He was fascinating. To me it seemed like he hadn't had much of a chance to talk to anyone about what we shared in those few precious moments. It seemed really, really good for him and I was so glad that I had asked about his hat. Thinking back it could have been so easy to ignore what is obviously a powerful connection point to him and his life. What a shame that would have been!

As the rental car lady tapped me on the shoulder, I stood up and thanked him. I thanked him for his service to our country and for doing his duty and told him I was truly glad to know him. Big tears welled up in his eyes and he mumbled something barely audible. I asked him to repeat it but he looked down as if embarrassed by whatever he had said. He held my hand with a firm grip and said, "Nice talking with you fella."

It was nice talking with you too!

Think you can't make an impact on someone's day? I am glad my Ford (Fix Or Repair Daily - no joke!) had a problem and that I was led to that waiting area yesterday afternoon. Even the Ripple guy needs a wake up call and reminder every now and then.

Have a great weekend my friends.

Ripple On!!!

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Presidential Candidates Need Gas.....Plan That Is

Political season is in full swing. Promises are being made. Babies are being kissed. Politicians are up on stages telling all of us how bad we've got it and how they hold the coveted secret to fixing all that ales us.

Rather than grandstanding about what our current administration has or hasn't done, I would like to hear just one presidential candidate talk about an issue that burns me every week or so....gas prices.

This is not a political BLOG and for the most part I try and stay agnostic when it comes to such things as politics and religion. However with this particular issue, I am deeply concerned with the economic impact that it will continue to have on our country. Yes my friends if we continue to feel it at the pump you can be sure it will affect how quickly our economy truly does dive headlong into the dark recesses of the recession-esq pool.

When the Iraq war began and prices shot up over $ 2.00 here in Texas people were outraged. Every other day I would get an email from some protesting friend asking me to boycott this gas company or that gas company. We could, as with most customer satisfaction issues, likely get the attention of these often greedy gas companies by deciding how and where to vote with our dollar. Some people did it but most didn't and today we quietly continue to pay the ridiculous increase while secretly cursing the companies at the pump.

I remember telling my wife at the time that once the country was groomed to pay higher prices the prices would never go down. I truly believed that once they had us over a particular price point and there was no national revolt, there would be nothing to stop them from putting forth increase after increase. Six years later there's talk of the national average for gas hovering around $ 4.00 this summer and how these gas prices are continuing to drive up everything from the groceries on the table to how much more we will pay for our jeas. Like I said, there's nothing stopping them and oddly enough, there's no one presidential candidate really talking about it.

Don't get me wrong I understand what drives the gas prices. But when our country fights so hard to protect many oil producing countries, you think we would be entitled to some good buddy discount or something. Or at minimum, quit shoving it in my face that this gas company CEO or that gas company CEO gets a multi-million dollar bonus or golden parachute when he or she retires. But alas that doesn't happen in the real world and those of us who depend on our cars for our living just have to suck it up and find the extra coin to continue driving. I wonder if McDonald's is still hiring for third shift?

It just seems to me that if these presidential candidates were really concerned with mapping out the direction the country is going to go they might just consider how many of us can afford to pay our own way to meet them there. Otherwise, I hope there's some extra room on their fancy buses to give me an my family a ride. A week with my crew might just make lowering gas prices agenda item number one for our newly minted Commander in Chief.

But like Dennis Miller always says, "Hey that's just my opinion. I could be wrong."

Ripple On!!!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Don't Talk To Customers!

Imagine your co-worker or employee picking up the phone and on the other end of the line is one of your customers in need of help. After a short explanation as to why they are calling your employee responds by saying "Wait a minute your a customer? I don't talk to customers."

Hard to believe? Well it just happened to one of my friends/clients a few weeks ago. What's even more distressing is that a customer service representative from the bank he was calling actually forwarded this poor guy to this person's extension for advanced help. Imagine his shock when that was the response he received. As you can imagine the conversation and the banking relationship proceeded to quickly decline from there.

Talk about a Ripple Effect of poor customer service. I would say that people surprise me but that is rarely the case these days. Situations like this happen every day in every industry. If you don't think it happens in yours, look closer.

There are many ways one could say this bank is to blame. Perhaps they hired the wrong person. Maybe they should have better equipped customer service reps to handle all conceivable issues so needless forwarding of customers for second level help never occurs. Or maybe, just maybe, customers and the importance of them wasn't explained to an employee buried beneath the bowels of the organization. Rest assured if it wasn't properly explained to that employee then it likely wasn't properly explained to a lot more employees who might encounter a customer.

Whatever the issue is one thing is for sure, this bank likely lost a successful growing company as a result of it. I know for a fact I won't ever do business with them! No one in an organization should ever feel comfortable to say I don't talk to customers. Regardless of position, responsibility, seniority, department, whatever....Everyone within an organization is in customer service.

I mentioned a few days ago about checking your common sense for understanding. Perhaps in building upon that point I should ask:

Does everyone at your company know that the customer is the single most important reason they receive a little thing called a paycheck? And with that paycheck comes a responsibility to both the organization and its customers to step up to the plate and help whenever they are called upon to do so.

If your answer is no (or hmmm I am not sure) then we should really talk.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Manners Will Take You Far

My youngest son Josh came home the other night armed with something for his older brother Zachary. I am not exactly sure of the circumstances as to why Josh extended this advice to his big brother (surly it was on the heels of being picked on which is the older brother/younger brother daily drama) but it was certainly something that was memorable.

"Zach Miss Dee Dee says that bad manners will take you no where. But good manners, well Zach they can take you far."

For the entire weekend we had the pleasure of Josh repeating his newly learned pearls of wisdom over and over again. But it was more than just a quote that he had learned from his amazing pre-k teacher, it was how he delivered it that continues to warm my heart this morning. He says it with absolute conviction and he means it. So much so that when he found himself being a little rude to his mom yesterday he caught himself and said sorry and then proceeded to repeat the phrase.

Though the advice likely went in one ear and out the other of his older brother, it wasn't lost on me. It just reminds me that no matter the circumstances, if there are other people around, you should always remember your manners. You just have no idea what doors your politeness might open for you.

Thanks Miss Dee Dee for creating a unbelievable Ripple for Joshua. I can assure you he has taken it to heart as have I. I hope those of you who read this will too!

Ripple On!!!

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Fellow Rippler Paula Levy Proves You Can!!!

I just had to share this inspirational story and link to a video about fellow Rippler Paula Levy. I asked Paula to tell you why running her first marathon should prove to you and to me that no matter what the obstacles are, if you want something bad enough you can find a way.

Way to go Paula!!!

I was diagnosed with MS in 1990 when I was 26 years old. I had a choice to fight or give up – I was to young to do anything but fight. But I had another choice, I could choose joy or I could choose to be a bitter old hag, long before I had the right to be a bitter old hag. Woe is me it is not fair blah, blah, blah. I truly believe that your altitude is determined by your attitude and I choose every day my attitude.

I take a multitude of medications and I give myself an intramuscular injection once a week with an inch and a half needle but all of this allows me to work hard and to play hard. I have MS it doesn’t have me and I refused to let it define me. I have a “list of things to do before I die” and running a marathon is on the list. I began training in October 2006 for the Austin Marathon in 2008. While I didn’t cross the finish line that day, I tried something that I had never done before and I gave it everything I had. I ran the best possible race that I could run on that day and that is all I can expect.

You only get one shot at life and I can promise you that you will miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! I took a shot and came up short, this time, but I am far from out of the game.

Ripplin’ so long I am riding waves,


Click Here To Watch The Video Story on Paula

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Check YOUR Common Sense For Understanding

I'm back. Sorry I have been lax in posting this week but I have a very good excuse. I just completed another three day customer service training for state and county tax officials. I had a wonderful group of young women who, believe it or not, survived my often crazy way of delivering an incredible amount of information in a short period of time. It was a very fun class and I always feel refreshed and energized when I can deliver information that I know can help an organization or a company do better.

During my three day agenda I repeat one theme that might be relevant for any manger or leader of people to remember.

Your common sense is not necessarily the common sense of others.

Perhaps rather than assuming what you already know to be true and obvious, you should test how others understand and interpret things.

I use a ton of basic examples when illustrating this point. Some include:

Do your employees know that they shouldn't cuss in front of a customer?

Do your employees know that they shouldn't pop a bubble with their gum during a conversation with a customer?

Do your employees know what wearing shoes really means when you state it in the company dress code? You know flip-flops don't constitute a "shoe" and aren't acceptable footwear in the office environment but do your employees know this unless you tell them?

My customer service course often reveals for those who attend how many common sense things we as leaders, managers and customer facing employees often take for granted and just naturally expect our staff or co-workers to know and follow. Leave even the littlest things open to interpretation and I can guarantee you there will be interpretations different from those you have and expect.

And here's the kicker folks....those interpretations may just be costing your company business.

Ripple On!!!

Check YOUR Common Sense For Understanding

I'm back. Sorry I have been lax in posting this week but I have a very good excuse. I just completed another three day customer service training for state and county tax officials. I had a wonderful group of young women who, believe it or not, survived my often crazy way of delivering an incredible amount of information in a short period of time. It was a very fun class and I always feel refreshed and energized when I can deliver information that I know can help an organization or a company do better.

During my three day agenda I repeat one theme that might be relevant for any manger or leader of people to remember.

Your common sense is not necessarily the common sense of others.

Perhaps rather than assuming what you already know to be true and obvious, you should test how others understand and interpret things.

I use a ton of basic examples when illustrating this point. Some include:

Do your employees know that they shouldn't cuss in front of a customer?

Do your employees know that they shouldn't pop a bubble with their gum during a conversation with a customer?

Do your employees know what wearing shoes really means when you state it in the company dress code? You know flip-flops don't constitute a "show" and aren't acceptable footwear in the office environment but do your employees know this unless you tell them?

My customer service course often reveals for those who attend how many common sense things we as leaders, managers and customer facing employees often take for granted and just naturally expect our staff lor co-workers to know and follow. Leave even the littlest things open to interpretation and I can guarantee you there will be interpretations different from those you have and expect.

And here's the kicker folks....those interpretations may just be costing your company business.

Ripple On!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How My Valentine's Day Was Forever Ruined

Imagine me telling you this story for effect with a sarcastic French-English accent; ala Inspector Cluso.

First, a claimer. No, I did not mean a disclaimer but a claimer. I have not changed the names to protect the innocent because there are no innocent in this story my friend. Well, except for me. I am the Valentine's Day victim here!

It was year of my fourth grade. I had fallen in love with a whimsical dame; one half of the Twins de Banka. Yes, it was Christy Banka whom I had gone head over heals for. In hindsight, it was her sister Carrie who would have proven to be the more prudent choice but when you are ten years old, passion not prudency drives the heart.

We had a passionate autumn filled with notes of "Do you like me check yes or no" and "You are a fox!" Oh the romance, it remains palatable to this day! The lovesick looks at recess as we held hands on the way to the jungle gym. The way I protected her and valiantly defended her during those dodge-ball games. Oh yes, we were crafting a romance for the ages.

Fall turned cold and let go to reveal an amazing Christmas season. Christmas break was going to be hard for us as we didn't live anywhere close together and a three week Christmas break seemed like it would be an eternity. I contemplated what extraordinary gift I could bestow on my love so that she would not forget me over the holidays.

I settled on a mood ring purchased with hard earned car washing cash. She loved it or so she said. The ring which was aglow with fiery red when I had tested it on my finger remained black as I slipped it on her finger. Looking back I should have taken it as a sign but the beating heart often silences the observant mind.

We made it through Christmas and as January slowly ticked by I began to plot my Valentine's profession of love for her. I began to amass an arsenal of prophetic love tokens that when unleashed upon her would not only make her swoon but would forever secure my place in Osuna Elementary folklore.

Four days before Valentine's Day it happened. Spots! First one. Then two. Then more spots than you can imagine. Chickenpox had come home to roost; compliments of one Amy Chung who had sat next to me in class. I never did like that girl!

The doctor confirmed that I was to be at home for no less than ten days. "Ten days," I remember screaming, "but I will miss Valentine's Day with Christy." To say I was a wreck would be an understatement. In fact I had not been that upset since Kevin Massis my friend had pulled the head off my Steve Austin Six Million Dollar Man action figure (it was not a doll).

Christy and I spoke that evening after receiving the devastating news. She seemed almost giddy which at the time struck me as nothing more than worried relief that my disease was not life threatening. Her giddiness though was not because of my diagnosis but because it was her window of opportunity.

Valentine's Day arrived and my mom graciously offered to take my enormous package of love gifts up to the school for me so that Christy would not be without on such an important and historic day. Mom returned with a tiny Charlie's Angels Valentine card signed only with her name and a one little candy heart that said "You're Neat!" The lack of the gift I was certain at the time was due to her endless nights of worry for my safe return to health.

I was so excited waiting for the hours to tick by on Valentine's Day until school let out and she, my beauty would call to thank me. 3PM arrived and no call. 4PM arrived and no call. 5PM arrived and I decided I had better check on my love for fear that Big Foot or some other equally terrifying fate might have befallen her on the way home from school. Her mother answered and gave me the news......"Oh Christy isn't home she went over to Steve's house to give him a Valentine's Day gift." I hurriedly hung up the phone to run upstairs and fix my hair and put on a clean shirt. My beloved was steaming towards my house to see me and to give me my real Valentines.

I waited at our front window for nearly two hours. No car pulled up in our driveway to drop her off. No cute smiling little Christy walked up from the depths of the neighborhood. Nothing. Just darkness.

Later that night I called back to Christy's house and learned the real truth. Christy had visited Steve's house and she did deliver a Valentine's Day gift....but it was to another Steve. Steve once friend and soccer rival.

I was devastated. My heart was forever scared. The depths of the damage still visible on this day as this act of betrayal relives in my mind every single February 14th. Christy Banka showed me the true evil that lurks in a woman's heart. Damn you Christy Banka!

When I returned to school days later, Christy and Steve's hot Valentine's Day romance had already fizzled. But the damage to this day, for me, was already done. Sometime in late February I ended up at Steve Moreno's house. The thoughts of beating him up or enacting some embarrassing function of revenge was rumbling in my mind when something happened....

Steve brought out this huge heart filled with Red Hots and asked me if I wanted some. It was the very heart that I had filled with Red Hots to profess and demonstrate my passionate love for one Christy Banka. Poor Steve, the clueless bloke didn't even realize he had been scammed too.

I grab a handful and threw them into my mouth. And I let it burn all the way down!

Happy Valentine's Day to all....all but Christy Banka.

(Christy if by some crazy miracle you end up reading this, I am represented by council and if you pursue action against me for defamation of character I will be forced to seek restitution on the Valentine's Day gifts which were given and regifted! How do you like Chrissy!)

Just kidding. This was all in good fun. Though my heart is forever scared.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Remember You Are Always On

The quickest way to make a bad impression is to activate the mouth before engaging the brain.

Recently I attended an event where the organizer of the event ripped off a litany of inappropriate language and innuendos in front of people he had just literally met. Several of the people who were in attendance were visibly uncomfortable with his foul language, misaligned stories and off-colored jokes. I could see the respect and reputation that had initially brought these people to this gathering in the first place literally evaporating in front of my very eyes.

They were embarrassed for him. I was embarrassed for him. And unfortunately he remains clueless as to the damage his mouth was causing him.

I will be the first to admit that I am no angel. But I remember the advice a former boss gave me way back when. "Remember kid, you are always on stage. You represent me. You represent the company. And most of all, (I still see him pausing for effect) you represent yourself."

I would like to say that I have always followed that advice but admittedly I have not; and it has cost me dearly. The wrong word at the wrong time has cost me a good connection, lost me someone's respect and generally made me look like the back end of the ugliest horse's you know what.

Remember to engage the brain before you open your mouth. The person you offend today could just very well insure the door you need tomorrow remains forever locked. And what a bad Ripple that would be.

Ripple On!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Revealing Ripple Quote

Based on Friday night's post, I thought it appurtenant that this landed in my inbox this morning.

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit."

E.E. Cummings

It was sent by someone who truly believes in me. It's with great gratitude and belief in you that I just had to share it with you this morning.

Now go out and do amazing things this week. Not because you have to but because you can!

Ripple On!!!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Allow Yourself

I celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago and I ended up getting a swanky bottle of scotch from my good friend Prince Rahman. I am not what you would call an astute connoisseur of scotch. Though admittedly I would always up-purchase for friends and clients for birthdays and special occasions the bootstrapper mentality of my thinking always forced me to purchase the cheapest (or close to the cheapest) bottle of scotch for myself. So needless to say the only time good scotch passed through this boy's lips was if said friend or client happened to open their gift and insist that we pour a drink.

Tonight I found myself deep in thought. I have lots going on in my life right now and my mind has been a twitter with many thoughts. I decide that I needed a break, I needed to go chill for a bit. I went to that very expensive bottle of scotch that Prince had given me both as present as a metaphor for something I was helping him with (long story). I pour myself a nice glass and headed to my front porch to admire the amazing display of stars which tonight are literally exploding with color and sparkle thanks to very clear skies.

I took a drink. Smooth. Nice. Very good. Ahhhh it set the mood of a very pleasant evening and my over rambunctious mind began to settle. That's when it hit me. I have never really tasted or appreciated fine scotch. Sure I have shared some glasses before but it was always someone else's scotch and not mine. I am, remember, used to the cheap stuff.

That's when the thought literally hit me.

The thought may not seem revolutionary to you but it was to me. I am used to the cheap stuff. I have literally never allowed myself to have that fine bottle of scotch. It was always too much money, too extravagant for this old boy. I realized that I have never allowed myself to have such an elaborate gift; somehow deep down inside I have never thought myself deserving.

What a screwed up way of thinking. You know what, I am sure if I dig deep enough this way of thinking extends in multiple directions well beyond scotch. How self-limiting!

As I sat there ideas came rushing in that just seemed appropriate to share with you, my friends. This self-limiting cheap approach to living I believe, is your mind's little game of keeping you down. Sure you want that big house out on forty acres but you'll never get paid enough at that job to afford the mortgage so why bother? You should be driving that red sports car but no one your age should be considering such a ridiculous purchase; better to be practical. You could run that million dollar business out of your home but the kids come home at three and there just isn't enough time in the day to pull a business plan together and get that first customer. My friends and my clients are the ones that deserve that big thank you so I'll happily purchase them their nice bottle while I grab the bottle that is 1/2 price because it tastes like turpentine.

Guess what. That is all BS! When you pitch from the platform of lack and undeserving, life is more than happy to stand, applaud, smile back and say, "You are right! You aren't worthy!"

Well that is not right. I am worthy damn it! I deserve better! I demand better!

There are individuals, companies, communities and whole countries that need me for the message that I have to share.

I deserve to be a best selling world-renowned author.

I very well may be the THE PERSON who can change the world in some incredible and lasting way.

Quit being used to what life hands you. Wake up! Allow yourself to imagine yourself achieving that which you want to achieve. That alone, my friend, will help you take that first step to discovering that you, like me, deserve more. You, like me, are by design destined to do more. You, like me, are supposed to have more!

Allow yourself.

Ripple On!!!


Charles Schultz Philosophy

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read this straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of
yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners .

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care .

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia '

(Charles Schultz)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tightening Labor Market Means You Better Learn To Ripple

It is half passed ten and you received a call from your boss asking to see you. You immediately head over and she asks you to shut the door. Panic sets in immediately.

She asks you to have a seat as she shuffles paper around her office nervously. Your hands begin to sweat. She makes some veiled attempts at small talk asking about your son's soccer team and reliving the fun times you both shared at a co-workers birthday happy hour recently. She is stalling and you can feel it.

She abruptly shifts gears and the tone light chit chat suddenly changes with, "I have some bad news."

You can likely imagine the rest right?

Unfortunately conversations like this are going to be happening a lot more in the coming months and years. As I rode over to the office this morning I was listening to NPR and they were talking about 1/3 of the top 100 builders would be forced into bankruptcy within the next 12-18 months. The impact obviously will be devastating for people in that industry on so many levels. And honestly if the pundits continue to scare the business and consumer public, many more industries, communities, individuals and whole families will be impacted.

So the simple question I must ask you is how prepared are you? I mean if the scenario above were to occur and your boss had to have that very same conversation with you, would you be alright and have options or would you be starting at square one?

Learning to Ripple your way to the important business connections that can aide you in a time of need is so critical. Yes, there are plenty of people out there that continually tell you networking is the key to landing your next job and I would agree, but only to a certain extent. Networking alone won't help you in your time of need. Only relationships, real relationships will; and that's why Rippling is so uniquely different and honestly, why it so powerful.

My friends the time to start learning to Ripple your way to better connections, to building stronger relationships and to creating your own destiny is upon us. Are you prepared?

I want to help. One way I am putting my money where my mouth is to provide an exclusive offer to my BLOG readers to get their Rippling started by learning the true impact of The Ripple Effect. I would like to extend a special discounted price on my book for you, for your family, friends, co-workers, important customers, etc. I believe so much in these strategies and the impact that it can make in your personal and professional life I want to make purchasing this book for yourself or someone else you know needs it, a no-brainer.

The book is only the first part. Its how committed you need to be to actually implement the strategies and put in the hard (but fun) work to gain the full benefit of the power of the Ripple. I hope you will. I hope in just a short period of time you can answer YES when asked if you are ready for the potentially turbulent times ahead.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Leaders & Employees Must Learn To Change

On Sunday the New York Football Giants pulled off one of the biggest upsets of the year by beating the once-unstoppable New England Patriots. Their victory in my opinion is a great example of what can happen when there is both give and take from both a leader and those being led. You see Sunday was the antithesis of where Tom Coughlin started with this team and how he almost lost them.

Tom Coughlin is an old school. When taking over the New York program he promised to instill good old fashion discipline throughout the team. He was going to be accountable. His players were going to be accountable. He was going to manage by objective and people would be expected to rise to meet those expectations or else. Fear was the big stick and it was yielded without worry of what head it might come crashing upon.

There would no longer any special treatment for any of the players, especially their star players. Players were expected to attend all meetings without exception; something that hadn't been enforced by the previous coaching staff. In addition, players were expected to be on time for those meetings. Coughlin was so committed to demonstrating that winning begins by doing the little things perfectly that he began to fine players who were not in their seats five minutes before meetings were actually scheduled to start. Other minor infractions that would otherwise be overlooked by other teams were made a very pubic and often embarrassing example by the salty coach. If discipline and perfection wasn't going to find the New York Football Giants, he would hunt it down and capture it and force feed it to his players if need be.

It was an old school, hard nose approach that amongst today's prima donna athletes wasn't very well received. In fact, Coughlin began to have an outright revolt. Star players began to question his motivations and resented being treated like children. The New York press waited at the end of each of practice like rabid dogs looking for that bone to be tossed from the dinner table to report what players were disgruntled on that day. The Giants were going no where fast and it looked like Coughlin would likely lose his job at the end of last season.

Then something happened. He loosed up a bit. Players who had never seen him smile reported seeing him smile at practices. He joked with the players and he seemed to take more time in getting to know them not just as players, but as men. Somewhere along the way, Coughlin seemed to realize that his hard line approach was no longer working, so he changed. Although his intensity and his drive to win and win with perfection was still the call of the day, his players began to respond.

The heart beat of the team began to beat a little faster.

Great leaders today aren't afraid to admit that the strategies they have employed may not be working. They adjust on the fly and adapt and just keep moving. I think Coughlin undoubtedly saw the writing on the wall and realized he could either stay his ground, which many leaders do to prove they are absolutely right, or he could become more "flexible." Perhaps he could give an inch and in the battlefield of life and work, sometimes all the people who are being led need is an inch and they will give a mile back. Yes, I said give a mile back.

Coughlin's approach absolutely shaped this franchise into the winning organization that it is today. I have no doubt that his willingness to change his approach undoubtedly shaped his player's perception of him and the results on the field prove that. The team began to move forward collectively and began to believe in themselves, even when faced with adversity and a world of doubters. That heart beat which only months earlier had been skewed and barely audible was beginning to beat strong and fast...and as one collective beat.

I have no doubt that on Sunday both players and coach thought of those power struggles. It would have been easy for either side to give up on the other and quit. Had they done that, no one, especially the old ball coach, would have been holding that shiny Super Bowl Trophy.

No, without change on both sides, neither side would be able to call themselves Champions.

Ripple On!!!

In case your's sort of a before and after look at the transformational change within the Giants Organization.

Article One

Article Two

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Bowl Determination

Today is SUPER BOWL Sunday. For two teams today is the culmination of a road filled with hopes, dreams and gritty determination. And at the end of the day there will be one team who will stand up and will hold that coveted Super Bowl trophy and will be forever called Super Bowl Champions.

Beginning each September, every team in the NFL begin their competitive campaign with the exact same record. The New York Giants and the New England Patriots both started at square one with no wins and no losses. Somewhere along the way both teams found something that the other thirty teams in the league simply didn't. They found their stride, their will and ultimately the drive to succeed and best every one of their challenges and of course, opponents along the way.

Their teams started out not really any different than you or myself. Though we don't necessarily start with a football record of 0-0, we do all start with the same exact amount of time in our days, the same amount of days in our months, the same amount of months in a get the picture. Though our lives can't be compared to that of a football season, we are in fact in a much more exciting position. We have the opportunity to demonstrate the same kind of commitment, the same kind of passion and the same kind of drive and best those challenges and competitors we face along the way.

I have said it before and I will say it again. You can sit the bench in the game of life and just let things happen to you....or you can decide to take your shot and be an active player and ultimate drive of it.

Which game would game would you rather be playing in?

Enjoy today's game (even though The Dallas Cowboys aren't playing in it) and tomorrow...get off the bench and go find your stride, your will and your drive to succeed. And maybe, just maybe, we will one day soon be saluting you, a coveted champion in your own right. Forget that, I am already saluting you....because I already believe in you!

Ripple On!!!

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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Ground Hog Day Again

Hope you enjoy last year's visit to Ground Hog Phil's turf! In keeping with the movie Ground Hog Day I just figured I would repeat!

Happy Ground Hog Day!!!


This day comes only once a year and I have to tell you the excitement and anticipation we as Americans feel for Groundhog Day can only be closely compared to that of Arbor Day or the more deeply entrenched Hang Nail Day. But alas, today is Groundhog's Day and we stand loud and proud as we celebrate this day of infamous honor and deep furry history.

We all have our unique rituals and our own "special" way of celebrating this glorious day. My day will be filled with going door to door wishing my neighbors a Happy Ground Hog day and then it will be off to the annual Groundhog Day Parade (which I hope is better attended than last year) followed by the neighborhood BBQ. Of course no Groundhog Day would be complete without of course proudly wearing my official Groundhog fuzzy undergarments! I live for this day!

I have often wondered why Punxsutawney Phil gets all of the attention on this day that was obviously meant to celebrate all Groundhogs throughout the world. I sent my crack team of investigative reports out to gain some perspective from Phil's "neck of the woods." Here are some of the comments from Phil's furry brethren.

Chip Hog- "I have to be honest with you, Phil and I no longer speak. Once he got a website I swear the guy just got too big for his paws. And when he started getting those Chicklets whitened, that was it for me."

Miller Hog - "Phil is funnier than a bucket of walnuts. I am happy he gets to represent us on such a glorious day. I just wish they would actually let him speak and you my friend would hear some of the funniest stuff you have heard in a long time."

Sweaty Hog - "Phil and I used to be friends. Good friends. We used to go up on Brokeback Mountain and do a little camping. But something came over Phil when he was up there. He turned into an animal and when this thing came over us, well, we just couldn't let that get out as the other 'hogs wouldn't understand ya know. I do miss him and I think about him everyday."

Kelly Hog - "Phil and I used to live together. But fame got to his head and he took up with Britney Spearhog down near the trailer park and I just couldn't take it anymore. He thinks he is all that but she will realize he ain't the hog she thinks he is."

Don Hog - "We all laugh at Phil. Seriously! 364 days out of the year that guy comes busting out of his hole expecting to see all this hoopla and what does he find? Nothing! It is classic. We all gather near the briar tree every morning to watch and giggle. The guy is all ego."

Emeril Hog - "We love all the attention the area gets this time of year. I mean I love waking up to fireworks in the morning BAM! Talk about getting the old ticker going. I just wish people wouldn't bring their kids to these events. Someone is gonna stick their finger in the wrong hole ya know and get it taken off. I mean this looks like a great area but we have some rift raft that has moved in over the past couple of years and some kid is gonna get hurt."

Richard Hog - "Phil is a close friend I am happy to say. But six months ago, Phil was going through some things and was eating a lot. Heck he could barely get through his door it was so bad. We had to get him on a steady diet of greens and of course I worked his hairy little butt off to my "Sweatin to the Mole" and he dropped 4 ounces. He looks like a whole new Groundhog today."

Hillary Hog - "You know I voted for Phil but now I am campaigning to be his replacement. I mean Phil needs to go. Look at me, I am furrier than he is, I have bigger teeth and I have my husband backing me, when he isn't at the local strip bar. Yep I believe the country is ready for a female hog and let me tell you I am the right hog to represent this country. So I am in to win."

Bush Hog - "I like Phil. He is an upstanding American and represents this magical holiday and all is granuure spertacularily. He is also a great asset to our war on taarrreer. He has his ear to the ground a lot and we thank him for his loyalty to our country. I know his fellow groundhogs appreciate what he has done for us." (Yes we spelled it like he spoke it!)

Anna Hog - "I refuse to answer any more questions on Phil. I mean I like the guy but he is not the father of my hog."

Well opinions vary on old Phil but no matter how you slice it, enjoy this celebrated day. I know I sure will. Though my thighs are starting to chafe.

Go create some Groundhog inspired Ripples!!!!

Ripple On!


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Friday, February 01, 2008

Favorite Super Bowl Ad From Last Year

As we get ready for the big game and of course this year's batch of commercials, I figured I would share one of my favorites from last year. Hope this puts a smile on your face and gets your Friday headed in the right direction.

Go Cowboys! Oh yeah.....I forgot. They aren't playing Sunday. Dang it!
